Central Asia, Caucasia, Southeast Europe and Russia
Human rights

Refugee suffering in Bay of Bengal and Mediterranean

Following EU example, Bangladesh is banning refugees to a remote island

Turkish immigrants

Divided community with identity problems

People in Germany with Turkish roots have identity problems – a situation fuelled by the Turkish president

Urban development

Why real-estate prices are rising fast in Istanbul

For the most part, Istanbul’s city council is giving real-estate developers free rein

Urban development

Urban growth can cause water supply problems

In Istanbul, drinking water has gone from being an affordable public good to a commodity


Unfinished business

The hasty withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan is likely to result in a mess


Security-focused modernisation has failed in Afghanistan

An attempt to build peace in Afghanistan – with the Taliban

European Green Deal

More important than landing on the moon

The outlines of the European Green Deal

Civil liberties

Live up to the rhetoric

EU needs to press Central Asia harder on human rights


A matter of self interest

The international community should support Afghanistan’s young democracy


The tide may be turning in Turkey

Istanbul election shows that people have become tired of Erdogan’s divisiveness

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